Cosmos and Chaos
Philosophies about The Cosmos and Chaos are equally very interesting subjects to me. On top of that, opposites and the attraction they have towards each is another strong interest of mine. Yin-Yang refers to a concept where opposite forces are seen as interconnected and counterbalancing. It’s fascinating how this ancient Chinese philosophy explains through this symbol, the idea of how the attraction of opposites creates balance in the Universe. Just The Cosmos and Chaos does.
My third painting’s title that I have made in the quarantine is Cosmos and Chaos.
COSMOS & CHAOS III. 2020 (sold)
60 × 80 cm, acrylic on canvas, fluorescent
Exhibited in Budapest
COSMOS & CHAOS VI. 2020 (sold)
60 × 80 cm, acrylic on canvas, fluorescent, thick frame
Exhibited in Budapest
COSMOS & CHAOS VIII. 2020 (sold)
70 x 70 cm (2 pieces), acrylic on canvas
Exhibited in Budapest, Madrid, Cluj-Napoca
90 x 90 cm, acrylic on canvas, fluorescent, 2020
Exhibited in Budapest and Cluj-Napoca
40 x 70 cm (2 pieces), acrylic on canvas thick frame, ink
Exhibited in Cluj-Napoca